I was admiring the ever-changing clouds so much today that after taking a picture around mid-day I decided to alter my blogging parameters to include cloud posts during the off-season. It's my prerogative to change the rules. Sunset tonight, March 22, 2012 shows early signs of the storm that's rolling through.
wake me up when september ends.
So yeah, I'm quoting a song I don't really care for from a band that a I do actually care for. Basically, I'm not in denial anymore. Sunset season is coming to an end and will resume winter 2012. Not to worry. I have some great, and some so-so archives to keep the blog alive. Yesterday, March 17, 2012 was the first evening break in rain all week that brought a little pink to the sky. Oh, also I spotted, but did not photograph a rainbow this morning - the day after St. Patrick's Day. Coincidence? I think not.
r.i.p. canon rebel #10
It's raining....it's snowing? This week finally feels like winter. Really, am I the only one that cares about our California vegetation? Everyone needs to stop bitching about being cold and wet, just wear a jacket for a few days and then enjoy 360 other days of sun. These pictures are from January 19, 2010 and the first one is interesting to me because like the dork I am, I remember thinking "whoah, is that snow?". The tide was just extremely high, and the waves were crashing right before the road, leaving a layer of foam. It doesn't snow here, just wishful thinking upon first glance.
r.i.p. canon rebel #9
The day was December 16, 2009. The weather was mild and my mood was upbeat. Take the dog to the beach? Sure, why not. So I'm waiting for the sunset and everyone is frolicking in the sand, but my little punk of a dog just couldn't play nice. He was growling and snapping at the other friendly canine, so I looked at the clouds and decided I was over it. Fifteen minutes later we made it home and the sky looked insane. That sort of electric pink doesn't happen all the time. Even if I got in my car I wouldn't have been able to make it back in time. So guess who gets the blame? And that is the story of why I no longer have a dog....Just kidding; really it's a family dog so he lives with my mom now, but even if I visit it's unlikely I'd take him for beach sunsets anymore...
February 26, 2010 - not a spectacular sunset or anything but two things I do like: 1) the clouds are awesome and 2) the couple wearing the wetsuits would show up at this beach all the time. They'd run down the stairs, jump in the water, splash around for a few minutes, and then turn around and walk back up the stairs. Not to get all sappy or anything, but it seemed really sweet - I mean the ocean is freezing. Like dip your toe in the water and that's all you need. Cold water, point taken. Surfers are out there sure, but they're in it for the long haul. I've even seen dogs abandon their tennis ball if it goes too deep.
December 6, 2008 - this was in Capitola Village. The old shared computer that held all the other shots from this day has departed to wherever defunct electronics go. Luckily I had saved one shot through email before the memory was wiped, and now my laptop is not for public use. Such a good sunset, I'm a huge fan of ascending clouds (or maybe descending depending on where you stand?). Totally remember this day - some of my friends were in town and it was decided that we would go Christmas shopping, which is pretty much my worst nightmare. After a short amount of time I used the sunset as my excuse to escape the stores for awhile, and my friend and I cut away from the group. Pretty happy we did, even if the result is one photo - the memory remains.
Capitola Village sunrise January 15, 2010. All I really remember about this is that the tide was really high and I felt like it may be a good idea to invest in rain boots....which I never did.
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